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We searched everywhere for details about the history
of One Froggy Evening
The Bibliographical Details
While much of the information in this website was gleaned from information buried deep in the recesses of my
mind, I did have help from some outside resources. In particular, several biographical summaries and
many of the images of the people and sheet music came from the resources in this bibliography.
On this page I've tried to give credit to those sources
who helped me while I compiled this website. A big thank you
goes out to all the people responsible.
This webpage is divided into the following sections:
- Beck, Jerry . Looney Tunes the Ultimate Visual Guide. New York: DK Publishing Inc., 2003.
- Beck, Jerry, and Friedwald, Will. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies A Complete Guide to the Warner
Bros. Cartoons. New York: Henry Holt and Company Inc, 1989.
- Ewen, David. Songs of America - A Cavalcade of Popular Songs. Chicago: Ziff-Davis, 1947.
- Herder, Ronald. 500 Best-Loved Song Lyrics. Mineola: Dover Publications Inc, 1998.
- The Lester S. Levy Sheet Music
Collection. Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns
Hopkins University. Mar. 2005.
- Treat, Wesley. "Old Rip." Texas Twisted. Mar. 2005.
- Kirby, Doug; Smith, Ken, and Wilkins, Mike. "Old Rip, Roadside Pet Cemetary."
roadsideamerica.com. 28 Mar. 2005.
- Historic American Sheet Music. The Digital Scriptorium, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke University . 28 Mar. 2005.
- Songwriters Hall of Fame Virtual Museum. The Songwriters Hall of Fame. 28 Mar. 2005.
- Emile Berliner and the Birth of the Recording Industry. Library of Congress. 28 Mar. 2005.
- Reublin, Richard A. . "In Search of Tin Pan Alley."
Parlor Songs -
Popular Sheet Music From The 1800s To 1920s. The Parlor Songs Association. 28 Mar. 2005.
- Gracyk, Tim. Music
That Americans Loved 100 Years Ago. 28 Mar. 2005.
- The Internet Movie Database. Internet Movie Database Inc.. 28 Mar. 2005.
- Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 2: One Froggy Evening commentary by
Michael Barrier
- Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 2: One Froggy Evening It Hopped One Night