Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake
Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake were two pioneering
African-American songwriters who began their careers in the early 1900s. The two met as
part of a group called Joe Porter's Serenaders in 1915. Together they wrote their first song,
It's All Your Fault. After splitting apart for awhile they were encouraged to try entering the "white"
vaudeville circuit. There weren't many black teams there because only one "black" act was allowed per show.
Sissle and Blake went ahead with the idea, calling themselves
The Dixie Duo.
Their act used a piano as the only prop and was preformed without blackface and became very successful.
In 1921 this writing team decided to organize one of the first musicals to be written, produced, and directed by blacks.
They called it Shuffle Along and launched it on May 23, 1921. It became extremely successful and
served as a launching pad for a number of black performers. The most
popular tune to emerge from it was the I'm Just Wild About Harry.
One final tidbit: this song was written long before Harry Truman ran for President, but it was
rewritten and then used during his campaign. Eubie Blake said that he strongly supported Truman because he integrated
the armed forces.
There's just one fellow for me in this world
Harry's his name, that's what I claim
Why for every fellow there must be a girl
I've found my mate, by kindness of fate
I'm just wild about Harry
And Harry's wild about me
The heavenly blisses of his kisses
Fill me with ecstasy
He's sweet just like chocolate candy
And just like honey from the bee
Oh I'm just wild about Harry
And he's just wild about, cannot do without
He's just wild about me
There are some fellows that like all the girls
I mean the vamps, with cruel lamps
But my Harry says I'm the girl of all girls
I'm his ideal, how happy I feel
Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle