The frog sings out
Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone from the window of
the psychiatric hospital.
Written: 1930
Words and Music by Sidney Clare, Sam H. Stept & Bee Palmer
Wav clip from OFE
Bee Palmer (1894-1967)
The next song in One Froggy Evening
Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone.
charted first in 1931, and was sung by Gene Austin. It is regarded as a classic break-up song
imploring the other person to just try to forget about what they had and to keep quiet about their
time together.
Sidney Clare (1892-1972) was a Tin Pan Alley songwriter who got his start on the vaudeville circuit.
Later on he found his way to Hollywood where he worked on music for over 50 films,
including some very successful ones. He co-write Shirley Temple's song, "On the Good Ship Lollipop" and
I Think You're Ducky
which was used as the Looney Tunes theme song from 1933-1936.
The other writer, Sam Stept, was actually born in Russia in 1897. His family moved three
years later to Pittsburgh where he grew up. Stept joined a publishing house as staff pianist, then tried vaudeville. During the
1920's he began collaborating on songs with an assortment of writers. On such collaboration created
Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone. Like Clare, he wound up writing for Hollywood but
eventually focused on music publishing.
Please don't talk about me when I'm gone
Oh honey, though our friendship ceases from now on
And listen, if you can't say anything real nice
It's better not to talk at all is my advice
We're parting, you go your way I'll go mine
It's best that we do
Here's a kiss I hope that this brings lots of luck to you
Oh makes no difference how I carry on
Remember, please don't talk about me when I'm gone
We're parting, you go your way I'll go mine
It's best that we do
Here's a kiss I hope that this brings lots of luck to you
Makes no difference how I carry on
Remember, please don't talk about me
Please don't talk about me
Please don't talk about me when I'm gone
If you want to learn even more about this song and the people behind it,
here are few webpages you might want to check out.